
Simulation infrastructure with helpers and data structures for preprocessing of the given equations and functions for postprocessing of simulation data.

class CanonicalEquation(name, dominant_lbl=None)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper object, holding several entities of canonical forms for different weight-sets that form an equation when summed up. After instantiation, this object can be filled with information by passing the corresponding coefficients to add_to(). When the parsing process is completed and all coefficients have been collected, calling finalize() is required to compute all necessary information for further processing. When finalized, this object provides access to the dominant form of this equation.

  • name (str) – Unique identifier of this equation.

  • dominant_lbl (str) – Label of the variable that dominates this equation.

add_to(self, weight_label, term, val, column=None)[source]

Add the provided val to the canonical form for weight_label, see CanonicalForm.add_to() for further information.

  • weight_label (str) – Basis to add onto.

  • term – Coefficient to add onto, see add_to().

  • val – Values to add.

  • column (int) – passed to add_to().


direct access to the dominant CanonicalForm.


finalize() must be called first.


the dominant canonical form

Return type



Finalize the Object. After the complete formulation has been parsed and all terms have been sorted into this Object via add_to() this function has to be called to inform this object about it. Furthermore, the f and G parts of the static_form will be copied to the dominant form for easier state-space transformation.


This function must be called to use the dominant_form attribute.


Finalize all dynamic forms. See method CanonicalForm.finalize().


Dictionary of terms for each weight set.

Return type



Terms that do not depend on a certain weight set.


The input handles for the equation.

set_input_function(self, func)[source]

WeakForm that does not depend on any weights. :return:

class CanonicalForm(name=None)[source]

Bases: object

The canonical form of an nth order ordinary differential equation system.

add_to(self, term, value, column=None)[source]

Adds the value value to term term. term is a dict that describes which coefficient matrix of the canonical form the value shall be added to.

  • term (dict) –

    Targeted term in the canonical form h. It has to contain:

    • name: Type of the coefficient matrix: ‘E’, ‘f’, or ‘G’.

    • order: Temporal derivative order of the assigned weights.

    • exponent: Exponent of the assigned weights.

  • value (numpy.ndarray) – Value to add.

  • column (int) – Add the value only to one column of term (useful if only one dimension of term is known).


Convert the canonical ode system of order n a into an ode system of order 1.


This will only work if the highest derivative order of the given form can be isolated. This is the case if the highest order is only present in one power and the equation system can therefore be solved for it.


Return type

StateSpace object


Finalizes the object. This method must be called after all terms have been added by add_to() and before convert_to_state_space() can be called. This functions makes sure that the formulation can be converted into state space form (highest time derivative only comes in one power) and collects information like highest derivative order, it’s power and the sizes of current and state-space state vector (dim_x resp. dim_xb). Furthermore, the coefficient matrix of the highest derivative order e_n_pb and it’s inverse are made accessible.


Return all coefficient matrices of the canonical formulation.


Structure: Type > Order > Exponent.

Return type

Cascade of dictionaries

set_input_function(self, func)[source]
class Domain(bounds=None, num=None, step=None, points=None)[source]

Bases: object

Helper class that manages ranges for data evaluation, containing parameters.

  • bounds (tuple) – Interval bounds.

  • num (int) – Number of points in interval.

  • step (numbers.Number) – Distance between points (if homogeneous).

  • points (array_like) – Points themselves.


If num and step are given, num will take precedence.

class EmptyInput(dim)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.simulation.SimulationInput

Base class for all objects that want to act as an input for the time-step simulation.

The calculated values for each time-step are stored in internal memory and can be accessed by get_results() (after the simulation is finished).


Due to the underlying solver, this handle may get called with time arguments, that lie outside of the specified integration domain. This should not be a problem for a feedback controller but might cause problems for a feedforward or trajectory implementation.

class EquationTerm(scale, arg)[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all accepted terms in a weak formulation.

  • scale

  • arg

class EvalData(input_data, output_data, input_labels=None, input_units=None, enable_extrapolation=False, fill_axes=False, fill_value=None, name=None)[source]

This class helps managing any kind of result data.

The data gained by evaluation of a function is stored together with the corresponding points of its evaluation. This way all data needed for plotting or other postprocessing is stored in one place. Next to the points of the evaluation the names and units of the included axes can be stored. After initialization an interpolator is set up, so that one can interpolate in the result data by using the overloaded __call__() method.

  • input_data – (List of) array(s) holding the axes of a regular grid on which the evaluation took place.

  • output_data – The result of the evaluation.

Keyword Arguments
  • input_labels – (List of) labels for the input axes.

  • input_units – (List of) units for the input axes.

  • name – Name of the generated data set.

  • fill_axes – If the dimension of output_data is higher than the length of the given input_data list, dummy entries will be appended until the required dimension is reached.

  • enable_extrapolation (bool) – If True, internal interpolators will allow extrapolation. Otherwise, the last giben value will be repeated for 1D cases and the result will be padded with zeros for cases > 1D.

  • fill_value – If invalid data is encountered, it will be replaced with this value before interpolation is performed.


When instantiating 1d EvalData objects, the list can be omitted

>>> axis = Domain((0, 10), 5)
>>> data = np.random.rand(5,)
>>> e_1d = EvalData(axis, data)

For other cases, input_data has to be a list

>>> axis1 = Domain((0, 0.5), 5)
>>> axis2 = Domain((0, 1), 11)
>>> data = np.random.rand(5, 11)
>>> e_2d = EvalData([axis1, axis2], data)

Adding two Instances (if the boundaries fit, the data will be interpolated on the more coarse grid.) Same goes for subtraction and multiplication.

>>> e_1 = EvalData(Domain((0, 10), 5), np.random.rand(5,))
>>> e_2 = EvalData(Domain((0, 10), 10), 100*np.random.rand(5,))
>>> e_3 = e_1 + e_2
>>> e_3.output_data.shape

Interpolate in the output data by calling the object

>>> e_4 = EvalData(np.array(range(5)), 2*np.array(range(5))))
>>> e_4.output_data
array([0, 2, 4, 6, 8])
>>> e_5 = e_4([2, 5])
>>> e_5.output_data
array([4, 8])
>>> e_5.output_data.size

one may also give a slice

>>> e_6 = e_4(slice(1, 5, 2))
>>> e_6.output_data
array([2., 6.])
>>> e_5.output_data.size

For multi-dimensional interpolation a list has to be provided

>>> e_7 = e_2d([[.1, .5], [.3, .4, .7)])
>>> e_7.output_data.shape
(2, 3)

Get the absolute value of the elements form self.output_data .


EvalData with self.input_data and output_data as result of absolute value calculation.

add(self, other, from_left=True)[source]

Perform the element-wise addition of the output_data arrays from self and other

This method is used to support addition by implementing __add__ (fromLeft=True) and __radd__(fromLeft=False)). If other** is a EvalData, the input_data lists of self and other are adjusted using adjust_input_vectors() The summation operation is performed on the interpolated output_data. If other is a numbers.Number it is added according to numpy’s broadcasting rules.

  • other (numbers.Number or EvalData) – Number or EvalData object to add to self.

  • from_left (bool) – Perform the addition from left if True or from right if False.


EvalData with adapted input_data and output_data as result of the addition.

adjust_input_vectors(self, other)[source]

Check the the inputs vectors of self and other for compatibility (equivalence) and harmonize them if they are compatible.

The compatibility check is performed for every input_vector in particular and examines whether they share the same boundaries. and equalize to the minimal discretized axis. If the amount of discretization steps between the two instances differs, the more precise discretization is interpolated down onto the less precise one.


other (EvalData) – Other EvalData class.


  • (list) - New common input vectors.

  • (numpy.ndarray) - Interpolated self output_data array.

  • (numpy.ndarray) - Interpolated other output_data array.

Return type


interpolate(self, interp_axis)[source]

Main interpolation method for output_data.

If one of the output dimensions is to be interpolated at one single point, the dimension of the output will decrease by one.

  • interp_axis (list(list)) – axis positions in the form

  • 1D (-) – axis with axis=[1,2,3]

  • 2D (-) – [axis1, axis2] with axis1=[1,2,3] and axis2=[0,1,2,3,4]


EvalData with interp_axis as new input_data and interpolated output_data.

matmul(self, other, from_left=True)[source]

Perform the matrix multiplication of the output_data arrays from self and other .

This method is used to support matrix multiplication (@) by implementing __matmul__ (from_left=True) and __rmatmul__(from_left=False)). If other** is a EvalData, the input_data lists of self and other are adjusted using adjust_input_vectors(). The matrix multiplication operation is performed on the interpolated output_data. If other is a numbers.Number it is handled according to numpy’s broadcasting rules.

  • other (EvalData) – Object to multiply with.

  • from_left (boolean) – Matrix multiplication from left if True or from right if False.


EvalData with adapted input_data and output_data as result of matrix multiplication.

mul(self, other, from_left=True)[source]

Perform the element-wise multiplication of the output_data arrays from self and other .

This method is used to support multiplication by implementing __mul__ (from_left=True) and __rmul__(from_left=False)). If other** is a EvalData, the input_data lists of self and other are adjusted using adjust_input_vectors(). The multiplication operation is performed on the interpolated output_data. If other is a numbers.Number it is handled according to numpy’s broadcasting rules.

  • other (numbers.Number or EvalData) – Factor to multiply with.

  • boolean (from_left) – Multiplication from left if True or from right if False.


EvalData with adapted input_data and output_data as result of multiplication.


Radicate the elements form self.output_data element-wise.


EvalData with self.input_data and output_data as result of root calculation.

sub(self, other, from_left=True)[source]

Perform the element-wise subtraction of the output_data arrays from self and other .

This method is used to support subtraction by implementing __sub__ (from_left=True) and __rsub__(from_left=False)). If other** is a EvalData, the input_data lists of self and other are adjusted using adjust_input_vectors(). The subtraction operation is performed on the interpolated output_data. If other is a numbers.Number it is handled according to numpy’s broadcasting rules.

  • other (numbers.Number or EvalData) – Number or EvalData object to subtract.

  • from_left (boolean) – Perform subtraction from left if True or from right if False.


EvalData with adapted input_data and output_data as result of subtraction.

class FieldVariable(function_label, order=0, 0, weight_label=None, location=None, exponent=1, raised_spatially=False)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.Placeholder

Class that represents terms of the systems field variable x(z, t).

  • function_label (str) – Label of shapefunctions to use for approximation, see register_base() for more information about how to register an approximation basis.

  • tuple of int (order) – Tuple of temporal_order and spatial_order derivation order.

  • weight_label (str) – Label of weights for which coefficients are to be calculated (defaults to function_label).

  • location – Where the expression is to be evaluated.

  • exponent – Exponent of the term.


Assuming some shapefunctions have been registered under the label "phi" the following expressions hold:

  • \frac{\partial^{3}}{\partial t \partial z^2}x(z, t)

>>> x_dt_dzz = FieldVariable("phi", order=(1, 2))
  • \frac{\partial^2}{\partial t^2}x(3, t)

>>> x_dtt_at_3 = FieldVariable("phi", order=(2, 0), location=3)
derive(self, *, temp_order=0, spat_order=0)[source]

Derive the expression to the specified order.

  • temp_order – Temporal derivative order.

  • spat_order – Spatial derivative order.


The derived expression.

Return type



This method uses keyword only arguments, which means that a call will fail if the arguments are passed by order.

class Function(eval_handle, domain=- np.inf, np.inf, nonzero=- np.inf, np.inf, derivative_handles=None)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.core.BaseFraction

Most common instance of a BaseFraction. This class handles all tasks concerning derivation and evaluation of functions. It is used broad across the toolbox and therefore incorporates some very specific attributes. For example, to ensure the accurateness of numerical handling functions may only evaluated in areas where they provide nonzero return values. Also their domain has to be taken into account. Therefore the attributes domain and nonzero are provided.

To save implementation time, ready to go version like LagrangeFirstOrder are provided in the pyinduct.simulation module.

For the implementation of new shape functions subclass this implementation or directly provide a callable eval_handle and callable derivative_handles if spatial derivatives are required for the application.

  • eval_handle (callable) – Callable object that can be evaluated.

  • domain ((list of) tuples) – Domain on which the eval_handle is defined.

  • nonzero (tuple) – Region in which the eval_handle will return

  • output. Must be a subset of domain (nonzero) –

  • derivative_handles (list) – List of callable(s) that contain

  • of eval_handle (derivatives) –


Return the neutral element of addition for this object.

In other words: self + ret_val == self.

derive(self, order=1)[source]

Spatially derive this Function.

This is done by neglecting order derivative handles and to select handle \text{order} - 1 as the new evaluation_handle.


order (int) – the amount of derivations to perform

  • TypeError – If order is not of type int.

  • ValueError – If the requested derivative order is higher than the provided one.


Function the derived function.

static from_data(x, y, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Function based on discrete data by interpolating.

The interpolation is done by using interp1d from scipy, the kwargs will be passed.

  • x (array-like) – Places where the function has been evaluated .

  • y (array-like) – Function values at x.

  • **kwargs – all kwargs get passed to Function .


An interpolating function.

Return type



Return the hint that this function is an element of the an scalar product space which is uniquely defined by the scalar product scalar_product_hint().


If you are working on different function spaces, you have to overwrite this hint in order to provide more properties which characterize your specific function space. For example the domain of the functions.

get_member(self, idx)[source]

Implementation of the abstract parent method.

Since the Function has only one member (itself) the parameter idx is ignored and self is returned.


idx – ignored.




Return the neutral element of multiplication for this object.

In other words: self * ret_val == self.

raise_to(self, power)[source]

Raises the function to the given power.


Derivatives are lost after this action is performed.


power (numbers.Number) – power to raise the function to


raised function


Return the hint that the _dot_product_l2() has to calculated to gain the scalar product.

scale(self, factor)[source]

Factory method to scale a Function.


factornumbers.Number or a callable.

class Input(function_handle, index=0, order=0, exponent=1)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.Placeholder

Class that works as a placeholder for an input of the system.

  • function_handle (callable) – Handle that will be called by the simulation unit.

  • index (int) – If the system’s input is vectorial, specify the element to be used.

  • order (int) – temporal derivative order of this term (See Placeholder).

  • exponent (numbers.Number) – See FieldVariable.


if order is nonzero, the callable is expected to return the temporal derivatives of the input signal by returning an array of len(order)+1.

class IntegralTerm(integrand, limits, scale=1.0)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.EquationTerm

Class that represents an integral term in a weak equation.

  • integrand

  • limits (tuple) –

  • scale

class ObserverGain(observer_feedback)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.Placeholder

Class that works as a placeholder for the observer error gain.


observer_feedback (ObserverFeedback) – Handle that will be called by the simulation unit.

class Parameters(**kwargs)[source]

Handy class to collect system parameters. This class can be instantiated with a dict, whose keys will the become attributes of the object. (Bunch approach)


kwargs – parameters

class ScalarProductTerm(arg1, arg2, scale=1.0)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.EquationTerm

Class that represents a scalar product in a weak equation.

  • arg1 – Fieldvariable (Shapefunctions) to be projected.

  • arg2 – Testfunctions to project on.

  • scale (Number) – Scaling of expression.

class ScalarTerm(argument, scale=1.0)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.EquationTerm

Class that represents a scalar term in a weak equation.

  • argument

  • scale

class Scalars(values, target_term=None, target_form=None, test_func_lbl=None)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.Placeholder

Placeholder for scalar values that scale the equation system, gained by the projection of the pde onto the test basis.


The arguments target_term and target_form are used inside the parser. For frontend use, just specify the values.

  • values – Iterable object containing the scalars for every k-th equation.

  • target_term – Coefficient matrix to add_to().

  • target_form – Desired weight set.

class SimulationInput(name='')[source]

Bases: object

Base class for all objects that want to act as an input for the time-step simulation.

The calculated values for each time-step are stored in internal memory and can be accessed by get_results() (after the simulation is finished).


Due to the underlying solver, this handle may get called with time arguments, that lie outside of the specified integration domain. This should not be a problem for a feedback controller but might cause problems for a feedforward or trajectory implementation.


Clear the internal value storage.

When the same SimulationInput is used to perform various simulations, there is no possibility to distinguish between the different runs when get_results() gets called. Therefore this method can be used to clear the cache.

get_results(self, time_steps, result_key='output', interpolation='nearest', as_eval_data=False)[source]

Return results from internal storage for given time steps.


Error – If calling this method before a simulation was run.

  • time_steps – Time points where values are demanded.

  • result_key – Type of values to be returned.

  • interpolation – Interpolation method to use if demanded time-steps are not covered by the storage, see scipy.interpolate.interp1d() for all possibilities.

  • as_eval_data (bool) – Return results as EvalData object for straightforward display.


Corresponding function values to the given time steps.

class SimulationInputSum(inputs)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.simulation.SimulationInput

Helper that represents a signal mixer.

class SimulationInputVector(input_vector)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.simulation.SimulationInput

A simulation input which combines SimulationInput objects into a column vector.


input_vector (array_like) – Simulation inputs to stack.

append(self, input_vector)[source]

Add an input to the vector.

class StackedBase(base_info)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.core.ApproximationBasis

Implementation of a basis vector that is obtained by stacking different bases onto each other. This typically occurs when the bases of coupled systems are joined to create a unified system.


base_info (OrderedDict) –

Dictionary with base_label as keys and dictionaries holding information about the bases as values. In detail, these Information must contain:

  • sys_name (str): Name of the system the base is associated with.

  • order (int): Highest temporal derivative order with which the

    base shall be represented in the stacked base.

  • base (ApproximationBase): The actual basis.


Hint that returns properties that characterize the functional space of the fractions. It can be used to determine if function spaces match.


Overwrite to implement custom functionality.

is_compatible_to(self, other)[source]

Helper functions that checks compatibility between two approximation bases.

In this case compatibility is given if the two bases live in the same function space.


other (Approximation Base) – Approximation basis to compare with.

Returns: True if bases match, False if they do not.


Hint that returns steps for scalar product calculation with elements of this base.


Overwrite to implement custom functionality.

abstract scale(self, factor)[source]
transformation_hint(self, info)[source]

If info.src_lbl is a member, just return it, using to correct derivative transformation, otherwise return None


info (TransformationInfo) – Information about the requested transformation.


transformation handle

class StateSpace(a_matrices, b_matrices, base_lbl=None, input_handle=None, c_matrix=None, d_matrix=None, obs_fb_handle=None)[source]

Bases: object

Wrapper class that represents the state space form of a dynamic system where

\boldsymbol{\dot{x}}(t) &= \sum\limits_{k=0}^{L}\boldsymbol{A}_{k}
+ \sum\limits_{j=0}^{V} \sum\limits_{k=0}^{L}\boldsymbol{B}_{j, k}
\frac{\mathrm{d}^j u^{p_k}}{\mathrm{d}t^j}(t)
+ \boldsymbol{L}\tilde{\boldsymbol{y}}(t)\\
\boldsymbol{y}(t) &= \boldsymbol{C}\boldsymbol{x}(t)
+ \boldsymbol{D}u(t)

which has been approximated by projection on a base given by weight_label.

  • a_matrices (dict) – State transition matrices \boldsymbol{A}_{p_k} for the corresponding powers of \boldsymbol{x}.

  • b_matrices (dict) – Cascaded dictionary for the input matrices \boldsymbol{B}_{j, k} in the sequence: temporal derivative order, exponent.

  • input_handle (SimulationInput) – System input u(t).

  • c_matrix\boldsymbol{C}

  • d_matrix\boldsymbol{D}

rhs(self, _t, _q)[source]

Callback for the integration of the dynamic system, described by this object.

  • _t (float) – timestamp

  • _q (array) – weight vector



Return type


class TestFunction(function_label, order=0, location=None, approx_label=None)[source]

Bases: pyinduct.placeholder.SpatialPlaceholder

Class that works as a placeholder for test functions in an equation.

  • function_label (str) – Label of the function test base.

  • order (int) – Spatial derivative order.

  • location (Number) – Point of evaluation / argument of the function.

  • approx_label (str) – Label of the approximation test base.

class WeakFormulation(terms, name, dominant_lbl=None)[source]

Bases: object

This class represents the weak formulation of a spatial problem. It can be initialized with several terms (see children of EquationTerm). The equation is interpreted as

term_0 + term_1 + ... + term_N = 0.

  • terms (list) – List of object(s) of type EquationTerm.

  • name (string) – Name of this weak form.

  • dominant_lbl (string) – Name of the variable that dominates this weak form.

calculate_scalar_product_matrix(base_a, base_b, scalar_product=None, optimize=True)[source]

Calculates a matrix A , whose elements are the scalar products of each element from base_a and base_b, so that a_{ij} = \langle \mathrm{a}_i\,,\: \mathrm{b}_j\rangle.

  • base_a (ApproximationBase) – Basis a

  • base_b (ApproximationBase) – Basis b

  • scalar_product – (List of) function objects that are passed the members of the given bases as pairs. Defaults to the scalar product given by base_a

  • optimize (bool) – Switch to turn on the symmetry based speed up. For development purposes only.


matrix A

Return type



Create a state-space system constituted by several CanonicalEquations (created by parse_weak_formulation())


canonical_equations – List of CanonicalEquation’s.


ValueError – If compatibility criteria cannot be fulfilled


State-space representation of the approximated system

Return type


domain_intersection(first, second)[source]

Calculate intersection(s) of two domains.

  • first (set) – (Set of) tuples defining the first domain.

  • second (set) – (Set of) tuples defining the second domain.


Intersection given by (start, end) tuples.

Return type


evaluate_approximation(base_label, weights, temp_domain, spat_domain, spat_order=0, name='')[source]

Evaluate an approximation given by weights and functions at the points given in spatial and temporal steps.

  • weights – 2d np.ndarray where axis 1 is the weight index and axis 0 the temporal index.

  • base_label (str) – Functions to use for back-projection.

  • temp_domain (Domain) – For steps to evaluate at.

  • spat_domain (Domain) – For points to evaluate at (or in).

  • spat_order – Spatial derivative order to use.

  • name – Name to use.




Retrieve registered set of initial functions by their label.


label (str) – String, label of functions to retrieve.




Extracts the common target form from a list of scalars while making sure that the given targets are equivalent.


placeholders – Placeholders with possibly differing target forms.


Common target form.

Return type



Extracts the common target from list of scalars while making sure that targets are equivalent.


scalars (Scalars) –


Common target.

Return type


get_sim_result(weight_lbl, q, temp_domain, spat_domain, temp_order, spat_order, name='')[source]

Create handles and evaluate at given points.

  • weight_lbl (str) – Label of Basis for reconstruction.

  • temp_order – Order or temporal derivatives to evaluate additionally.

  • spat_order – Order or spatial derivatives to evaluate additionally.

  • q – weights

  • spat_domain (Domain) – Domain object providing values for spatial evaluation.

  • temp_domain (Domain) – Time steps on which rows of q are given.

  • name (str) – Name of the WeakForm, used to generate the data set.

get_sim_results(temp_domain, spat_domains, weights, state_space, names=None, derivative_orders=None)[source]

Convenience wrapper for get_sim_result().

  • temp_domain (Domain) – Time domain

  • spat_domains (dict) – Spatial domain from all subsystems which belongs to state_space as values and name of the systems as keys.

  • weights (numpy.array) – Weights gained through simulation. For example with simulate_state_space().

  • state_space (StateSpace) – Simulated state space instance.

  • names – List of names of the desired systems. If not given all available subssystems will be processed.

  • derivative_orders (dict) – Desired derivative orders.


List of EvalData objects.

get_transformation_info(source_label, destination_label, source_order=0, destination_order=0)[source]

Provide the weights transformation from one/source base to another/destination base.

  • source_label (str) – Label from the source base.

  • destination_label (str) – Label from the destination base.

  • source_order – Order from the available time derivative of the source weights.

  • destination_order – Order from the desired time derivative of the destination weights.


Transformation info object.

Return type



Create a handle that will transform weights from info.src_base into weights for info-dst_base while paying respect to the given derivative orders.

This is accomplished by recursively iterating through source and destination bases and evaluating their transformation_hints.


info (TransformationInfo) – information about the requested transformation.


transformation function handle

Return type


integrate_function(func, interval)[source]

Numerically integrate a function on a given interval using complex_quadrature().

  • func (callable) – Function to integrate.

  • interval (list of tuples) – List of (start, end) values of the intervals to integrate on.


(Result of the Integration, errors that occurred during the integration).

Return type


parse_weak_formulation(weak_form, finalize=False, is_observer=False)[source]

Parses a WeakFormulation that has been derived by projecting a partial differential equation an a set of test-functions. Within this process, the separating approximation x^n(z, t) = \sum_{i=1}^n c_i^n(t) \varphi_i^n(z) is plugged into the equation and the separated spatial terms are evaluated, leading to a ordinary equation system for the weights c_i^n(t).

  • weak_form – Weak formulation of the pde.

  • finalize (bool) – Default: False. If you have already defined the dominant labels of the weak formulations you can set this to True. See CanonicalEquation.finalize()


The spatially approximated equation in a canonical form.

Return type



Convenience wrapper for parse_weak_formulation().


weak_forms – List of WeakFormulation’s.


List of CanonicalEquation’s.

project_on_bases(states, canonical_equations)[source]

Convenience wrapper for project_on_base(). Calculate the state, assuming it will be constituted by the dominant base of the respective system. The keys from the dictionaries canonical_equations and states must be the same.

  • states – Dictionary with a list of functions as values.

  • canonical_equations – List of CanonicalEquation instances.


Finite dimensional state as 1d-array corresponding to the concatenated dominant bases from canonical_equations.

Return type


register_base(label, base, overwrite=False)[source]

Register a basis to make it accessible all over the pyinduct framework.

  • base (ApproximationBase) – base to register

  • label (str) – String that will be used as label.

  • overwrite – Force overwrite if a basis is already registered under this label.

sanitize_input(input_object, allowed_type)[source]

Sanitizes input data by testing if input_object is an array of type allowed_type.

  • input_object – Object which is to be checked.

  • allowed_type – desired type



set_dominant_labels(canonical_equations, finalize=True)[source]

Set the dominant label (dominant_lbl) member of all given canonical equations and check if the problem formulation is valid (see background section:

If the dominant label of one or more CanonicalEquation is already defined, the function raise a UserWarning if the (pre)defined dominant label(s) are not valid.

  • canonical_equations – List of CanonicalEquation instances.

  • finalize (bool) – Finalize the equations? Default: True.

simulate_state_space(state_space, initial_state, temp_domain, settings=None)[source]

Wrapper to simulate a system given in state space form:

\dot{q} = A_pq^p + A_{p-1}q^{p-1} + \dotsb + A_0q + Bu.

  • state_space (StateSpace) – State space formulation of the system.

  • initial_state – Initial state vector of the system.

  • temp_domain (Domain) – Temporal domain object.

  • settings (dict) – Parameters to pass to the set_integrator() method of the scipy.ode class, with the integrator name included under the key name.


Time Domain object and weights matrix.

Return type


simulate_system(weak_form, initial_states, temporal_domain, spatial_domain, derivative_orders=0, 0, settings=None)[source]

Convenience wrapper for simulate_systems().

  • weak_form (WeakFormulation) – Weak formulation of the system to simulate.

  • initial_states (numpy.ndarray) – Array of core.Functions for x(t=0, z), \dot{x}(t=0, z), \dotsc, x^{(n)}(t=0, z).

  • temporal_domain (Domain) – Domain object holding information for time evaluation.

  • spatial_domain (Domain) – Domain object holding information for spatial evaluation.

  • derivative_orders (tuple) – tuples of derivative orders (time, spat) that shall be evaluated additionally as values

  • settings – Integrator settings, see simulate_state_space().

simulate_systems(weak_forms, initial_states, temporal_domain, spatial_domains, derivative_orders=None, settings=None, out=list())[source]

Convenience wrapper that encapsulates the whole simulation process.

  • weak_forms ((list of) WeakFormulation) – (list of) Weak formulation(s) of the system(s) to simulate.

  • initial_states (dict, numpy.ndarray) – Array of core.Functions for x(t=0, z), \dot{x}(t=0, z), \dotsc, x^{(n)}(t=0, z).

  • temporal_domain (Domain) – Domain object holding information for time evaluation.

  • spatial_domains (dict) – Dict with Domain objects holding information for spatial evaluation.

  • derivative_orders (dict) – Dict, containing tuples of derivative orders (time, spat) that shall be evaluated additionally as values

  • settings – Integrator settings, see simulate_state_space().

  • out (list) –

    List from user namespace, where the following intermediate results will be appended:

    • canonical equations (list of types: CanocialEquation)

    • state space object (type: StateSpace)

    • initial weights (type: numpy.array)

    • simulation results/weights (type: numpy.array)


The name attributes of the given weak forms must be unique!


List of EvalData objects, holding the results for the FieldVariable and demanded derivatives.

Return type


vectorize_scalar_product(first, second, scalar_product)[source]

Call the given scalar_product in a loop for the arguments in left and right.

Given two vectors of functions

= \left(\varphi_0(z), \dotsc, \varphi_N(z)\right)^T


\boldsymbol{\psi}(z) = \left(\psi_0(z), \dotsc, \psi_N(z)\right)^T` ,

this function computes \left< \boldsymbol{\varphi}(z) | \boldsymbol{\psi}(z) \right>_{L2} where

\left< \varphi_i(z) | \psi_j(z) \right>_{L2} =
\bar\varphi_i(\zeta) \psi_j(\zeta) \,\textup{d}\zeta \:.

Herein, \bar\varphi_i(\zeta) denotes the complex conjugate and \Gamma_0 as well as \Gamma_1 are derived by computing the intersection of the nonzero areas of the involved functions.

  • first (callable or numpy.ndarray) – (1d array of n) callable(s)

  • second (callable or numpy.ndarray) – (1d array of n) callable(s)


ValueError, if the provided arrays are not equally long.


Array of inner products

Return type
